
English version along with Norwegian
Norsk: (English below) Generelt er jeg av den oppfatningen at skal man først gjøre noe så får man gjøre det ordentlig!!!!! Vel - jeg tror denne kaka er beviset på akkurat det! Her er det ikke spart på noe og resultatet er helt vanvittig. Dette er som en Maskulin Mega Snickers-Sjokolade, bare i ostekakeform. Innbiller meg at den falt i smak spesielt hos gutta, men ikke for det, damene spiste de også....vis meg den dama som ikke liker sjokolade, peanøtter og karamell da....eeeehhh - vanskelig! Kan jo ikke bli feil dette, og med prikken over i-en: Hjemmelaget karamellsaus på toppen..... Jaddavegitt.......(Personlig syntes jeg karamellen var den aller beste, så jeg stjal gubben's og sønnen's topping også...He-He...Det var min bonus!!!!)
English: Generally I'm of the opinion that if something is to be done it should be done properly!!!!!! Well - I think this cake is the proof of that! This cake is packed with deliciousness and the result is unbelieveable. It is like a Masculine Mega Snickers-bar, just in the form of a cheesecake. I have the feeling that especially the men enjoyed it, but don't get me wrong, the ladies ate too.......I mean, show me that woman who doesn't like chocolate, peanuts and caramel....eeeehhh- difficult!) You cannot go wrong with this, and the icing of the cake (literally): Home made caramel sauce.....Oh dear......(For me the caramel sauce was the best part of the cake so I stole the topping from my huband's AND my son's piece... He-He. My bonus!!!!
Bunnen / For the base
250g Digestive-kjeks m.melkesjok./250g Digestive biscuits w.milk choc.(8.8 oz)
80 g salte peanøtter / 80 g salted peanuts (2.8 oz)
100 g smør / 100 g butter (3.5 oz)
Ostekaken / For the cheesecake
130 g Philadelphia ost / 130 g Philadelphia cheese (4.6 oz)
250 g Mascarpone-ost / 250 Mascarpone cheese (8.8 oz)
250 g Ricotta-ost / 250 g Ricotta cheese (8.8 oz)
150 g sukker / 150 g caster sugar (5.3 oz)
2 ts vaniljesukker / 2 ts vanilla sugar
2 egg / 2 eggs
300 ml matyoghurt(el.rømme)/300 ml. Greek yoghurt(or sour cream) (1 1/4 cup)
4 Snickers sjokolader / 4 Snickers bars
Karamelltopping * / Caramel Topping**
75 g usaltet smør / 75 g unsalted butter (2.6 oz)
50 g sukker / 50 g caster sugar (1.7 oz)
50 g mykt lyst brunt sukker / 50 g soft light brown sugar (1.7 oz)
50 g lys sirup / 50 g golden syrup (1.7 oz)
125 ml kremfløte / 125 ml double cream (1/2 cup)
0,5 ts Maldonsalt (kan sløyfes) / 0,5 tsp Maldon salt (optional)
* Denne karamellsausen er helt brilliant å lage og servere (lunken) til iskrem for eksempel. Bare et lite tips.....
** This caramel sauce is also excellent to make and eat (lukewarm) with ice cream for example. Just a little tip.....
Ekstra peanøtter til dekorasjon/ Extra peanuts for decoration
Norsk: (English below)
(Se-steg-for-steg bilder under) Kjør peanøtter noen runder i en food processor. Ikke kjør for lenge, da blir det peanøttsmør, det skal være noen småbiter for litt "krønsj". Ha de over i en bakebolle. Kjør så Digestive-kjeksen til smuler i food processoren og bland med nøttene. Smelt smøret og bland så det hele godt. Legg bakepapir i bunnen av formen (ca. 33x12x6 cm. / 1,5 liter) og opp langs kortsidene, dette for å få ut kaken lettere når den er klar. Press kjeksblandingen jevnt ut i denne og stek på midterste rille ved 170 grader i 15 minutter. Avkjøl helt og sett deretter i kjøleskapet noen timer, helst over natten.
Ha kremost, Mascarpone og Ricotta i en bakebolle og bland godt med en elektrisk mikser. Tilsett sukker og vaniljesukker og bland igjen. Tilsett så eggene, ett om gangen og til slutt yoghurten og bland godt igjen. Skjær Snickers-sjokoladene i biter og rør i til slutt med en slikkepott. Hell blandingen over kjeksbunnen og stek ved 170 grader celcius på midterste rille i 1,5 time (90 min.) Skru så av varmen men la kaken fremdeles stå i ovnen i 1,5-2 timer til.!!! Da har den sunket sammen litt og blitt "fudgy" på toppen. La avkjøle helt og sett i kjøleskapet til du skal helle over den hjemmelagde karamellsausen, strø over peanøtter og viktigst av alt: SPISE!!!
Smelt smør, sukker og sirup i en tykkbunnet kjele og la småkoke i 3 minutter under omrøring. Tilsett kremfløte og salt og bland godt. Smak til (forsiktig så du ikke brenner deg!) og se om du vil ha i mer salt, (men husk at peanøttene du pynter med er salte). La småkoke i ca. ett minutt før du har den over i en mugge og venter til den avkjøles og er klar til å helles over kaken. Strø over litt peanøtter og NYYYYYYYT!!!!!!P.S. Jeg anbefaler å helle karamellen over kaken og la den stå i kjøleskapet til den kjølner og stivner mer. Kommer an på hva slags konsistens du vil ha på karamellen men min mening er at den er best kjøleskapskald!
For the base:
(See step-by-step pictures below) Blitz the peanuts a few rounds in a food processor. Careful so you don't leave it too long, then you'll get peanut butter. Leave small pieces for a little crunch. Transfer to a baking bowl. Then blitz the Digestive biscuits until fine crumbs in the food processor and mix with the peanuts. Melt the butter and mix everything well. Butter and line a loaf tin (approx. 33x12x6 cm. / 1,5 litre or 13"x5"x2.5" / 6 cups) and up the sides, this will make it easier to remove the cake from the tin when ready. Press the biscuit-mix well into the tin and bake at 170 degrees Celcius (340 degrees Fahrenheit) on the middle rack for 15 minutes. Leave to cool and put in the fridge for a few hours, preferably overnight.
For the Cheesecake mixture:
Put the cream cheese, Mascarpone and Ricotta in a baking bowl and mix well using an electric mixer. Add sugar and vanilla sugar and mix well again. Then add the eggs, one at a time, beating well between each addition and lastly add the yoghurt and mix until well incorporated. Cut the Snickers-bars in rough pieces and stir in using a spatula. Pour the cheese mixture onto the biscuit base and bake at 170 degrees Celcius (340 degrees Fahrenheit) on the middle rack for 1,5 hour (90 min.) Then switch off the heat but leave the cake in the oven for another 1,5 - 2 hours!!! Then it has sunken a bit and the top has become sort of "fudgy". Leave to cool and place in the fridge until its time to pour over the homemade caramel sauce and sprinkle with peanuts, and more importantly: EAT!!!
For the Caramel Sauce
Melt butter, sugars and syrup in a heavy based saucepan and let simmer for 3 minutes, stirring now and then. Add cream and salt and stir again. Taste (careful so you don't burn yourself!) to see if you want to add a little more salt (but remember that you are using salted peanuts for decoration). Leave to simmer another minute before removing from the heat and pouring it into a jug and wait for it to cool down before pouring it over the cake. Sprinkle some peanuts over and ENJOOOOOOYYYYYY!!!!!
P.S. I recommend pouring the caramel over the cake and put it back into the fridge for the caramel to "set" more. It depends on what consistency you want the caramel to have but my opininon is that it is best chilled from the fridge.
Etter 1,5 time steking / After 1,5 hour baking |
Etter 2 timer "hvile" i avskrudd ovn / After 2 hours "resting" in cooling oven |
Oppskrift på denne fant jeg i boka "Saved by Baking" av Marian Keyes, men jeg har gjort noen personlige forandringer fra originaloppskriften.
I found this recipe in the book "Saved by Baking" by Marian Keyes, but I have made some personal adjustments.
Hi I was gonna make this cake but I had a question about the sugar you use, you translated it into caster sugar, does is mean it is best to use that or does regular sugar work fine too?
SvarSlettHi Mia! Thank you for your message and I'm so glad to hear that you want to try out this recipe! This cake is absolutely delicious and the caramel on top is out of this world!!!! (By the way, this caramel can be used for other things as well, such as topping for ice cream etc.) But let me not get carried away here....He-He. (Happens a lot when it comes to recipes I'm afraid...) To your question: It won't be any problem at all using normal sugar, i.e. granulated sugar in this recipe. Caster sugar is finer thant the granulated, but as I said, no problem. If you want it finer you can just blitz it a few rounds in a food processor but this is not necessary. In my experience the only difference is that it goes faster to blend caster sugar with f.ex. eggs or butter, but if I don't have caster sugar I just use granulated.
SvarSlettGood luck with the cake and please send me a message and tell me your opinion on the result!!! :)
Warm regards from Camilla (Kakemilla)