torsdag 4. oktober 2012

Ben & Jerry's Choc-Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream Copycat


English version along with Norwegian
Norsk: (English below)
Jeg er en av de som elsker kakedeig! Synes det nesten er like godt som den ferdige kaken jeg....Og så oppdaget jeg Ben & Jerry's Choc-Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream her i sommer, eller kanskje det var i fjor.... Uansett, jeg ELSKER den isen, men her i byen får vi bare tak i den om sommeren så da er det jo ikke annet å gjøre enn å lage den selv da! Jeg synes denne ble veldig, veldig lik originalen! NAM!!!!!
English: I am one of those who love cake batter, cookie dough, you name it. I actually think the dough is just as nice as the ready cake....I discovered Ben & Jerry's Choc-Chip Cookie Dought Ice Cream this summer, or maybe it was last year....Anyway, I LOVE that ice cream, but here where I live we can only get it during the summer, so then I didn't have any other choice but to make it myself! I think this is very, very similar to the original! YUM!!!!

Choc-Chip Cookie deig / Choc-Chip Cookie Dough
100 g smør, mykt / 100 g butter, softened (3.5 oz)
40 g brunt sukker / 40 g brown sugar (1.4 oz
140 g hvitt sukker / 140 g white sugar (4.9 oz)
1 stort egg / 1 large egg
2 ts vaniljeekstrakt / 2 tsp vanilla extract
160 g hvetemel / 160 g plain flour (5.6 oz)
0,5 ts salt / 0,5 teaspoon salt
0,5 ts natron / 0,5 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
0,5 ts bakepulver / 0,5 teaspoon bakingpowder
100 g sjokoladeknapper / 100 g chocolate chips (3.5 oz)
Iskrem / For the Ice Cream
3 eggeplommer / 3 egg yolks
1 dl sukker / 100 ml sugar 1/3 cup + 2 tbsp)
3 dl kremfløte / 300 ml whipping cream (1 1/4 cup)
*3 ts vaniljesukker / **3 tsp vanilla sugar
*Bruk helst Vaniljesukker av god kvalitet med svarte vaniljefrø i. f.eks. Jacobs Utvalgte.(du kan evt. skrape ut frøene fra 2-3 vaniljestenger).
**Use Vanilla sugar of good quality where you actually see the black vanilla beans. (Alternatively you can scrape the vanilla beans out of 3 vanillapods).

Choc-Chip deigen / For the Choc-Chip Cookie Dough
Norsk (English Below): Ha mykt smør og begge sukkertypene i en bakebolle og miks til lyst og luftig med en elektrisk mikser, ca. 10 minutter. Tilsett egget og bland godt. Tilsett vaniljeessensen. Pass på å skrape ned fra sidene slik at alt blir godt blandet. Tilsett mel, salt, natron og bakepulver og bland igjen til du får en jevn deig. Rør til slutt i sjokoladeknappene og sett deigen i kjøleskapet mens du lager iskremen.
English: Put the softened butter and both sugars in a baking bowl and mix until creamy for approx. 10 minutes, using an electric mixer. Add the egg and beat well. Add the vanilla extract and mix again. Make sure you scrape down the sides of the mixing bowl in order for everything to be well incorporated. Add the flour, salt, bicarb and baking powder and mix well again until you have an even dough. Finally stir in the chocolate chips and put the bowl in the fridge while you make the ice cream.

Iskremen / For the Ice Cream
Norsk :(English below)  Pisk tykk eggedosis av eggeplommer, sukker og vaniljesukker. I en annen bolle stivpisker du kremen. Bland så krem og eggedosis godt. Lag kuler i forskjellige størrelser av cookie-deigen og bland i is-massen. Hell over i en boks, sett i fryseren og vent 4-5 timer til klar! MMMMMMMM!!!!!!!

English:  Put the egg yolks, sugar and vanilla sugar in a bowl and beat well for a few minutes until light and frothy. In another bowl, whisk the cream until stiff. Mix the cream with the egg-mixture. Make balls in different sizes from the cookie dough and stir this into the batter. Pour it all into a bowl, place in the freezer and wait for 4-5 hours until ready! MMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. Hvorfor ikke lage dobbel porsjon av cookiedeigen så kan du lage Black Magic &White Lies Brownies også mens du allikevel er i gang! Oppskrift HER
P.S. Why not make double portion of the cookie dough? That way you can make Black Magic & White Lies Brownies as well while you're at it! Recipe HERE

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hello Camilla! Thanks for sharing this lovely ice cream at Manila Spoon! Always happy to see you at our parties and I am now a new follower of your blog. Hope you can join us at Manila Spoon too! Thanks again, Abby.

  2. Hi Abby! Thank you so much and I am now the latest follower of your wonderful blog, have subscribed by e-mail and also added your link to my blog list! :) All the best, Camilla :)


Veldig hyggelige med tilbakemeldinger, evt. spørsmål vedrørende oppskriftene eller hvis du har noen råd og tips til meg! / I would appreciate feedback, questions about the recipes or if you have any advise for me!

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