Norsk: (English below)
Jeg synes denne kaka er så kul! Den ser skikkelig flott ut på kakebordet og smaker om mulig enda bedre! Marius feiret navnedag her om dagen. I Norge er det ikke så mange som feirer det, men her i Hellas er navnedagen nesten viktigere enn bursdag! Personlig synes jeg bursdag er mer viktig og har alltid lagt mest vekt på den og kommer helt sikkert til å fortsette med det! Men det vanker alltid kake og gave på navnedagen! Man må jo feire det som feires kan mener jeg!!! Og når man tross alt bor et sted bør man følge iallefall de positive skikkene selv om man ikke er vant til det fra barnsben av! Marius ville gjerne ha denne kaka igjen. Jeg lagde den også i fjor (samme pynten) men var ikke fornøyd med kaka da, så i år lagde jeg en egenkomponert en som ble skikkelig nammis om jeg må få si det selv. Kaken består av mørk sjokoladekake, delt i tre lag som er fylt med jordbærkrem basert på ferske jordbær og Philadelphiaost, så lagde jeg en sjokoladekrem (som ble helt fløyelsmyk) basert på melkesjokolade og også her Philadelphiaost. Jeg var rimelig stolt over resultatet!!! :) (Er vel lov til å skryte litt vel?) Kaka ble veldig høy og pynten rakk akkurat opp til kanten. Den jeg lagde i fjor så enda kulere ut syntes jeg for der rakk KitKat-sjokoladen over kanten som et gjerde (se bilde nederst). Hvis du vil ha den sånn, deler du bare kaka i to istedenfor tre deler så den blir litt lavere. (Jeg brukte en springform 25-26 cm)
I think this cake is so cool! Looks very impressive on the cake buffet and tastes, if possible, even better! Marius celebrated his nameday the other day. Being a Norwegian I am not used to this as not many people celebrate nameday there, but here in Greece it is even more important than the birthday for many people. Personally I think the birthday is more important and I have always celebrated that "more" and will continue with that but I always make a cake and buy some presents on the nameday too! We have to celebrate whatever we can right? And one should follow all (positive) traditions of the place one lives, even if you're not used to it from your childhood. Marius wanted this cake again; I also made it last year (same decoration) but I was not very happy with the flavour of the cake then so this year I invented my own and it turned out yummy if I might say so myself. It consists of a dark chocolate cake, divided in three layers filled with strawberry cream made based on fresh strawberries and Philadelphia cheese. Then I made a chocolate frosting based on milk chocolate and also here Philadelphia cheese. I was quite proud of the result!!!! :) (I'm allowed to brag a little, aren't I?) The cake is quite high and the decoration reached the edge exactly. The one I made last year looked even cooler because then the KitKat chocolate reached above the edge like a fence (see picture below). If you want it to look like that, just divide the cake into two layers instead of three and it will be lower. (I used a springform tin 25-26 cm / 10")
Til Sjokoladekaken / For the Chocolate Cake
160 g mykt smør / 160 g butter, softened (5.6 oz)
220 g lysebrunt sukker / 220 g soft light brown sugar (7.7 oz)
4 medium egg + 1 eggeplomme / 4 medium sized eggs + 1 egg yolk
1 ts SP* (kan sløyfes)/ 1 tsp SP* (optional)
2 ts vaniljeekstrakt / 2 tsp vanilla extract
2 ts Baileys (kan sløyfes) / 2 tsp Baileys liqueur (optional)
0,8 dl kokende vann / 80 ml boiling water (1/3 cup)
200 g mørk sjokolade / 200 g dark chocolate (7.7 oz)
2 ss kakao / 2 tbsp cocoa powder
280 g mel / 280 g plain flour (9.8 oz)
30 g maisenna / 30 g corn flour (1 oz)
3 ts natron / 3 tsp bicarbonate of soda
1,5 dl kefir / 150 ml buttermilk or fermented milk (1/2 cup + 2 tbsp)
* SP = Sponge Cake Stabilizer
Til Jordbærkremen / For the Strawberry cream
500 g jordbær / 500 g strawberries (1 lb)
400 g Philadelphiaost / 400 g Philadelphia cheese (14 oz)
2,5 dl kremfløte / 250 ml whipping cream (1 cup)
100 g melis / 100 g icing sugar (3.5 oz)
Til Sjokoladekremen / For the Chocolate Frosting
250 g melkesjokolade / 250 g milk chocolate (8.8 oz)
50 g smør / 50 g butter (1.7 oz)
200 g Philadelphiaost / 200 g Philadelphia cheese (7 oz)
2 ss melk el. Baileys (kan sløyfes) / 2 tbsp milk or Baileys liqueur (optional)
2 ts kaffeessens / 2 tsp coffee essence
300 g melis / 300 g icing sugar (10.5 oz)
Til Dekorasjon / For Decoration
ca. 50 KitKat-stenger / ca. 50 sticks KitKat
Smarties, M&Ms el. Non-Stop / Smarties or M&M's
I think this cake is so cool! Looks very impressive on the cake buffet and tastes, if possible, even better! Marius celebrated his nameday the other day. Being a Norwegian I am not used to this as not many people celebrate nameday there, but here in Greece it is even more important than the birthday for many people. Personally I think the birthday is more important and I have always celebrated that "more" and will continue with that but I always make a cake and buy some presents on the nameday too! We have to celebrate whatever we can right? And one should follow all (positive) traditions of the place one lives, even if you're not used to it from your childhood. Marius wanted this cake again; I also made it last year (same decoration) but I was not very happy with the flavour of the cake then so this year I invented my own and it turned out yummy if I might say so myself. It consists of a dark chocolate cake, divided in three layers filled with strawberry cream made based on fresh strawberries and Philadelphia cheese. Then I made a chocolate frosting based on milk chocolate and also here Philadelphia cheese. I was quite proud of the result!!!! :) (I'm allowed to brag a little, aren't I?) The cake is quite high and the decoration reached the edge exactly. The one I made last year looked even cooler because then the KitKat chocolate reached above the edge like a fence (see picture below). If you want it to look like that, just divide the cake into two layers instead of three and it will be lower. (I used a springform tin 25-26 cm / 10")
Til Sjokoladekaken / For the Chocolate Cake
160 g mykt smør / 160 g butter, softened (5.6 oz)
220 g lysebrunt sukker / 220 g soft light brown sugar (7.7 oz)
4 medium egg + 1 eggeplomme / 4 medium sized eggs + 1 egg yolk
1 ts SP* (kan sløyfes)/ 1 tsp SP* (optional)
2 ts vaniljeekstrakt / 2 tsp vanilla extract
2 ts Baileys (kan sløyfes) / 2 tsp Baileys liqueur (optional)
0,8 dl kokende vann / 80 ml boiling water (1/3 cup)
200 g mørk sjokolade / 200 g dark chocolate (7.7 oz)
2 ss kakao / 2 tbsp cocoa powder
280 g mel / 280 g plain flour (9.8 oz)
30 g maisenna / 30 g corn flour (1 oz)
3 ts natron / 3 tsp bicarbonate of soda
1,5 dl kefir / 150 ml buttermilk or fermented milk (1/2 cup + 2 tbsp)
* SP = Sponge Cake Stabilizer
Til Jordbærkremen / For the Strawberry cream
500 g jordbær / 500 g strawberries (1 lb)
400 g Philadelphiaost / 400 g Philadelphia cheese (14 oz)
2,5 dl kremfløte / 250 ml whipping cream (1 cup)
100 g melis / 100 g icing sugar (3.5 oz)
Til Sjokoladekremen / For the Chocolate Frosting
250 g melkesjokolade / 250 g milk chocolate (8.8 oz)
50 g smør / 50 g butter (1.7 oz)
200 g Philadelphiaost / 200 g Philadelphia cheese (7 oz)
2 ss melk el. Baileys (kan sløyfes) / 2 tbsp milk or Baileys liqueur (optional)
2 ts kaffeessens / 2 tsp coffee essence
300 g melis / 300 g icing sugar (10.5 oz)
Til Dekorasjon / For Decoration
ca. 50 KitKat-stenger / ca. 50 sticks KitKat
Smarties, M&Ms el. Non-Stop / Smarties or M&M's
Norsk: (English below)
(Se steg-for-steg bilder under) Hvis du har, bruk en stor elektrisk mikser til å lage denne kakerøren: Ha mykt smør og sukker i bakebollen og la dette blandes på høy hastighet til lyst og luftig, ca. 10 min. Tilsett ett og ett egg og bland godt mellom hvert. La mikseren gå i ca. 3 minutter. Tilsett så SP (dette kan strengt tatt sløyfes hvis du ikke har). La mikseren gå ca. 1 minutt til. Røren er nå ganske tynn. Smelt sjokoladen i vannbad eller mikro og tilsett det kokende vannet, vaniljeessens og evt. Baileys. Rør godt og tilsett i røren i en tynn stråle mens mikseren fortsatt går, men nå på lav hastighet. Bland mel, maisenna og natron i en bolle og sikt dette i deigen vekselvis med kefiren. La mikseren gå på lav hastighet til deigen er jevn. Smør en 25-26 cm springform og ha bakepapir i bunnen. Hell deigen i formen og stek ved 160 grader Celcius varmluft på midterste rille i 30 minutter. Sett så varmen opp til 180 grader celcius varmluft og la steke 5-10 minutter til. Sjekk med en kakenål at kaken er gjennomstekt. Ta kaken ut av ovnen og la den avkjøle helt i formen. (Du kan godt lage den både en og to dager før den skal fylles, bare oppbevar den godt innpakket).
Vask og tørk jordbærene og del de i mindre biter. Knus de litt med en stavmikser, men la det være litt biter igjen! Pisk krem av fløte og melis, bland i Philadelphiaost og hakkede jordbær. (Dette blir mer enn nok til å fylle to lag i kaken. Hvis du bare vil ha ett lag halverer du oppskriften).
Smelt smør og sjokolade i vannbad og la avkjøles. Tilsett melk/likør, kaffeessens og Philadelphiaost og bland til slutt i melisen til kremen har en tykk og smørbar konsistens.
Del kakebunnen i tre deler og sett på et passende fat. Smør et godt lag med jordbærkrem på kakebunnen, legg på midtlaget, smør jordbærkrem over her også og dekk med topplokket. Smør et tykt lag sjokoladekrem på toppen og ned langs sidene. Brekk opp KitKat-sjokoladen i enkle stenger (du trenger tilsammen ca. 50 stk) og sett tett i tett rundt hele. Pynt så toppen med massevis av Smarties/M&M's/NonStop. Sett i kjøleskapet, men ta la den gjerne stå i romtemperatur ca. 30 min. før servering. NAM!!!!! :) :) :)
For the Chocolate Cake
(See step-by-step pictures below) If you have, use a big electric mixer to make this cake batter: Put softened butter and sugar in the baking bowl and beat on high speed until light and fluffy, approx. 10 minutes. Add one egg at the time mixing well between each addition. Let the mixer work approx. 3 min. Add SP (this is not imperative if you don't have it). Beat for another minute or so. Now the mixture is quite runny. Melt the chocolate in a bowl over hot water or in the microwave oven and add the boiling water, vanilla essence and Baileys (if used). Mix well and pour the chocolate slowly into the cake batter beating on low speed. Sift flour, corn flour and bicarb in a bowl and add this to the cake batter alternating with the buttermilk. Beat on low speed until smooth. Butter and line a 25-26 cm (10") springform tin and pour the chocolate cake mixture into this. Bake at 160 degrees Celcius (320 degrees Fahrenheit) in fan-assisted oven on the middle rack for 30 minutes, then increase the temperature to 180 degrees Celcius (356 degrees Fahrenheit), still fan-assisted, and bake for another 5-10 minutes. Check with a baking pin that the cake is thoroughly cooked. Remove the cake from the oven and let it cool completely in the tin. (You can make the cake 1-2 days before you fill and decorate it, just make sure it is tightly wrapped)
For the Strawberry Cream:
Wash and dry the strawberries and cut into pieces. Crush them a little with a stick mixer, but make sure that you leave some pieces! Beat the cream with icing sugar until stiff, stir in the Philadelphia cheese and strawberries in the end. (This is more than enough to fill a two layer cake. If you opt for only one layer, then make just half the recipe).
For the Chocolate Frosting:
Melt the butter and chocolate in a bowl which is placed over hot water and leave to cool. Add milk/liqueur, coffee essence, Philadelphia-cheese and lastly the icing sugar and mix well until the frosting has a thick, smooth and spreadable consistency.
Divide the cake into three and put on a suitable dish. Spread a generous amount of strawberry cream onto the bottom layer, add the middle layer, spread another generous amount of strawberry cream on this and cover with the top layer. Now spread a generous amount of chocolate cream on top of the cake and down the sides. Break the KitKat-chocolate into single sticks and place them side by side around the cake (you'll need approx. 50 sticks). Decorate the top with Smarties or M&M's. Place in the fridge but it is good to let it stay in room temperature for approx. 30 minutes before serving. YUM-YUM!!!!
Ser ganske god ut vel? / Looks pretty nice doesn't it?
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Kaken fra i fjor / Last year's version |
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Veldig hyggelige med tilbakemeldinger, evt. spørsmål vedrørende oppskriftene eller hvis du har noen råd og tips til meg! / I would appreciate feedback, questions about the recipes or if you have any advise for me!